showing 7 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeartags
Blackthorne Interplay (Blizzard Entertainment)2003 aimdirlimit bombs cinematicplatformer coversystem displacementfiction elevators fallbackweapon falldamage fallimpact firearms fromanotherworld healingitems highbornprotagonist inventory itempickup-normal ladders ledges lowfantasy lutris monsters neutralnpcs noaircontrol orcs potions rating-esrb-t serious shotguns slavery stationaryattack subterranean tumbling tutorial unrestrictedviolence walking labelimagesubject
Classic NES: The Legend of Zelda (Famicom Mini Vol 5: Zelda no Densetsu) Nintendo2004 achillesheelfoes amoeboids ancientenemy ballistics bossbattles centauroids chosenone currency doors elvenprotagonist elves fish forest foundmaps giantinsects gunblades heads healingstations healthwarning humanoidprotagonist illequipped insectoids inventory keys lethalobjects limitedcapacity meleeweapons monsters mountain nohumans rating-esrb-e rating-pegi-3 rewardingvandalism secrets shopping simulateddisorientation skeletonkey skeletons stonemen stunning subterranean traproom trees undead unexpectedsituation walking watercraft-small waterfalls waterscooter zelda zelda-universe labelimageminimize
Classic NES: Zelda II: The Adventure of Link (Famicom Mini Vol 25: Link no Bouken) Nintendo2004 achillesheelfoes adv-intermediary amoeboids ancientenemy ballistics bossbattles bridge chosenone consoleclassix dragons dragons-eastern elevators elvenprotagonist elves encounters-random fetching flatterrain forest genrechange giantspiders giantworms gunblades healthwarning hiddenattributes humanoidprotagonist inventory inventory-indisposable jumping keys lives magic mapdeficient meleeweapons monsters mountain plains rating-esrb-e rating-pegi-3 rooftops ruins serious simulacrums teenprotagonist town traproom trivialresearch watercraft-small xp-kills xp-objects zelda zelda-universe labelimageminimize
Mega Man Zero (ロックマンゼロ;Rockman Zero) Capcom (Capcom;Inticreates)2002 consoleclassix inventory lostresources megaman robotprotagonist robots runandgun labelimagesubject
Shining Soul Sega;Infogrames;Atlus (Sega)2002 consoleclassix genrechange inventory itemgenerator itemidentification shining-series xp-kills labelimagesubject
Shining Soul II Sega;THQ;Atlus (Sega)2003 consoleclassix inventory itemgenerator itemidentification recallportal shining-series xp-kills labelimagesubject
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (The Lord of the Rings:Ou no Kikan;ロードオブザリング ~王の帰還~) Electronic Arts (Griptonite Games)2003 archaicearth arda consoleclassix earth gcgbacable hackandslash halflings highfantasy incarnateddivines inventory lotr movie mystics saveram subterranean uchronia weefolk labelimagesubject